Our store represents a unique environment and provide a practical, fun and unique experience for pet owners. We’ll help owners select the right food for their pet with nutrition consultations. Because we are a specialist pet care business everything we sell is tested specifically for pets, which is something we believe makes us unique, giving the customer peace of mind that they are buying a quality item which has been responsibly sourced and tested and is specific to an animal. Pets are known for their veracious nature, they are treated as the best confidante for human beings. Over the past 2-3 decades, pets have become an inevitable part of many of our lives.

The main reason being, the arduous life and work environment. Social interaction has decreased significantly as people are always on the go. People tend to spend more time with their pets now days. Because pets are at the heart of everything we do, we believe that everyone who is a part of our group has a special responsibility to help keep pets happy, healthy and safe. Our staff are trained to standards which are endorsed by many of the leading animal care institutions in Bangalore.